For those of you that have been paying attention, you'll note that many things about this blog just recently changed. It's no longer about me, but about my company. It will be a home and space for folks both performing in and working on our shows to talk about their experiences.
So, let me get the ball rolling. Most of what I'm about to tell you you'll be able to find on the website (once I add profiles). But because of the change in blog focus, it seemed like a good idea to post it here as well.
As the artistic director of this newly minted company, I feel like I should let you know a little of my history with Shakespeare and what drove me to start my own company.
My love affair with Shakespeare began when I was in 8th grade
and a production of MacTragedy (you will never hear me name that show by it’s
proper name) toured to our school.
I was so fascinated I begged my mom to go see the full production. Later, in community college, I took
Shakespeare Acting twice because I couldn’t get enough of the language and the
scenes and these amazing plays.
Once at my four year university, I was required to take a history of
acting class that included a Shakespeare unit. We were asked to scan a particular sonnet so we could
discuss it. I did the assignment
and then proceeded to have a friendly debate with the professor about how a
particular irregular line of 11 syllables should be broken up. Is there a feminine ending, is there a
word or words that’s contracted, or is one of the internal feet three beats
instead of two? As we were talking
about all this, all the heads in the class turned toward me with the same look
on their faces: “How the hell do you know all that?” With their looks, I realized I had retained absolutely
everything I learned in my two previous classes at community college.
It gave me an idea. If I retained all the knowledge, I must
really love it and I wondered if you could get a Masters in Shakespeare. So I started researching. I found a few around the world that
interested me, all English and not Theatre based. I was ok with that, except I wanted to explore the work more
onstage and wondered if those programs would afford that opportunity. After graduating college, I did a
summer as the assistant stage manager for the Marin Shakespeare Company. Their Managing Director told me about a
program in Virginia that sounded exactly like what I was looking for. I did a bit more research, took the
GRE, and applied. Miraculously
(and with a little help from some friends in high places), I got in.
I moved to Staunton, Virginia and spent
the next three years at Mary Baldwin College getting an MLitt (Master of
Letters) and an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Shakespeare and Performance. After graduating, I spent a year
working for the American Shakespeare Center as their Playhouse Manager before moving
back to California. Since moving
back, my work in theatre has been all stage management, so I decided to take
matters into my own hands and start a theatre company.
The Savage Wilde Traveling Players are
dedicated to performing small cast fast paced Shakespeare in parks. Literally right on the grass. In a phrase, it is in essence, Flash
Mob Shakespeare. The name comes
from my favorite line from my favorite Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. In act 5, scene 1, Romeo says “The time
and my intents are savage wilde.”
No line better says what that play is about. But, more on Romeo and Juliet in a future posts I am sure.
Savage Wilde’s first production will be
Much Ado About Nothing with 7 actors. Most of our venues are still pending, but we will be performing in March and April. Audition information is now available on our website!
So, I've become an artistic director. It's scary and daunting and I've never had more fun putting something together in my whole life! Here's to a "wilde" ride!!!